Rand’s comprehensive Quality Management System (QMS)

Systematic approach for maintaining risk of electrostatic discharge

Aerospace standard for mitigating risk of fraudulent components

Standard for Quality Management Systems at aerospace parts distributors

Standard for ethical sourcing & certifying inspectors

Globally recognized framework for Quality Management Systems

Standard for Environmental Management Systems

Promotes exchange of tech info to mitigate risk & reduce total cost of quality

Real time data sharing & reporting to mitigate risk of suspect conterfeit parts
We are proud members of ERAI, IDEA, and GIDEP.
Certifications are established and renewed through trusted and validated auditors: Customer Onsite reviews, External Registrar, and Internal Audit Program.
Real time IQMS allows for planning and resource management Globally producing an Agile, Responsive, and Effective support team to our Customers, Employees and Suppliers.
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